Rudderless since losing her mother, shy teenager Suzu (voiced by Kaho Nakamura) rediscovered joy in both life and song when she joined the popular virtual domain "U"-and her avatar "Belle" became a viral vocal sensation. Intrigued after her concert's audaciously crashed by the mysterious user "Dragon" (Takeru Satoh), she seeks to learn his identity-and shield him from furious IRL authorities, in Mamoru Hosoda's popular anime fantasy. 121 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: Japanese; Subtitles: English. Three-disc set. In Japanese with English subtitles.
Additional Information
- SKN: 59946
- ID: 94CC88A7
- UPC: 826663223026
- MFR Number: 0817849
- ESRB Rating: PG
- Ship to Quebec: Yes
- Language: English
- Item Height: 1.36 inches
- Item Length: 6.92 inches
- Item Weight: 0.91 lbs
- Item Width: 5.74 inches
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SKN: 59946
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