Debuting on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block in 2013, this offbeat animated series follows Rick Sanchez, a mentally unstable alcoholic who also happens to be a scientific genius. When he moves in with his daughter, Beth, and her family, Rick finds an instant sidekick in Morty, his teenaged grandson who becomes his companion in a series of wacky adventures involving aliens, robots, alternate realities, and more. Features the voices of Justin Roiland, Chris Parnell, Sarah Chalke.10 episodes on 1 disc. 3 2/3 hrs. Widescreen; Soundtracks: English DTS HD 5.1 Master Audio, DVS; Subtitles: English (SDH), French, Spanish.
Additional Information
- SKN: 911043
- ID: 44B54A3B
- UPC: 883929726233
- MFR Number: 0780956
- ESRB Rating: NR
- Ship to Quebec: Yes
- Language: English
- Item Height: 0.54 inches
- Item Length: 6.84 inches
- Item Weight: 0.21 lbs
- Item Width: 5.39 inches
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SKN: 911043
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